Nov 23, 2011

Bullying and Inner Beauty

I asked a friend of mine what I should write here, and her answer was inner beauty. Obviously, the cliché "Beauty comes from the inside" is well known and I mean, who wants a beautiful girl who's ugly on the inside? Or a boy for that matter. It's kind of scary to think about how many girls starve their selves, do unnecessary plastic surgery and put way too much makeup on their poor, mostly, teenage faces.

I get why you would, trust me.
I was bullied for ceveral years. It was when I was a lot younger then I am now, from I was 9 to I was maybe 11-12. I was bullied for being fat, and the guy who bullied me was a head shorter than me. He was also bigger than me and a year older. He was insecure, and to get confidece he had to push me downwards.

I am fine with the bullying now, it was a long time ago and I have a rough skin.
The problem is the girls who are teenagers or young adults. You are insecure, you're vulnerable and you believe what the bully is saying about you. He, or she, is hiding behind big words.

The way I solved my problem was ... unconventional.
My mum told me to push him into a ditch. He was weaker and shorter than me, so I did.
And it helped. He wasn't hurt or anything, but he got the point; I wasn't going to tolerate it anymore.
Be aware that violence should not be an option, but for me it was the last option. We tried anything, but he didn't stop.

But seriously.

Do not let a bully get you down. (S)He is insecure and needs a doormat to wipe their feet on to believe that they're actually worth something. And if you are the bully, please stop.
How would you feel if someone did that to you ceveral times a day every week.
You're beautiful just the way you are, even though your nose is to big, your eyes are to small or if your face has the wrong proportions. You are beautiful, truly.

The reason is that confidence is the key. I'm not the most confident person in the world, but I haven't hit rock bottom. If you've seen the "How to look good naked" show, and you've seen the big girl who's wearing two different outfits you know what I'm talking about. In the picture where she's hiding in huge clothes she looks huge. In the picture with the black dress she looks so good! It's all about clothes that fit your bodyshape and personality. I know I'm repeating myself, but you're beautiful, so why don't you believe it?

Thank you, beautiful.
For reading this, and for being yourself.
For believing in yourself.

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